Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog presentation

Dear blog reader:

Throughout the year I’ve been working with Google blogger. I’ve been improving on my writing, reading, and research abilities. I started this blog at the beginning of the year, and have been working on it ever since. I created this blog because of my simple love for flowers.

Towards the beginning of the year, I started out doing research trying to find new names of flowers I’ve never heard of, along with different purposes for them, and which flowers grow the best with one another. I’ve come from only knowing a few flowers, to being able to identify 80 new flowers. I’ve created various posts about my passion I share for flowers, along with creative posts illustrating my stimulating desire to create floral arrangements. I’ve researched which schemes truly complement each other to their fullest potential. I’ve managed to goes as far as writing various poems and haikus about flowers.

During my blog, I was fortunate enough to carry an interview with someone who used to work at the Fortuna Florist. I feel as though this was completely beneficial to me because I was able to get a one-on-one connection with someone who was involved in the floral industry. By creating my blog I was introduced into a completely new social networking way. Blogging is new to me, however it is a fast-growing hobby. By blogging, I've been fortunate to learn how to blog, write posts, create comments, and view other blogs to see how other blogs are set up. Working with blogger has benefited me to the fullest I would say. Without blogger, I would be in the dark about the new form of communication. I've also progressed myself as a gardener and florist.

My blog has transformed me into a diligently hard working individual. I've progressed in not only my writing, but my research abilities as well. I've come from short, and weak paragraphs, to extensive well researched, strongly written structured paragraphs.

Because of my blog, I've tried many new things. This includes specific book reports, passion reports, and collabo posts where I work with another person to collaborate and create one post. My blog has introduced me into many new things. Due to creating my blog, I've learned many new characteristics about flowers, I never would have guessed of before. Flowers are unique and individual. You may have the same gene or type of flower, however all are different and produce many different scents and styles of flowers which are desired and enjoyed by everyone all over the world. The global industry for flowers is definitely beneficial to me for a couple different reasons. To begin with, after doing extensive research and careful decisions, I've decided I want to pursue the floral industry and become a florist myself. I would like to one day open my own nursery.

Since we created our blogs, I was able to make a career decision, and decide I wanted to join the floral industry. Without our blogs, I believe I would still be searching in this world for something that truly interested me and I wanted to pursue. Our blogs have transformed all of us individually, and shaped us into creative, organized, and spontaneous bloggers This assignment has taught me who I am as a person, and has brought out my inner passion. Blogging allows anyone to reach out and describe their feelings and emotions about a certain area of discussion. I believe blogging can and will transform you into an intelligent reader, writer, and researcher.

Whitney Katri

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Which flowers grow the best together?

One day, I plan to open up my own nursery. With this I need to learn which species and genesis grow best together. However, all flowers flow together, some just flow a little better. You ultimately want to keep all flowers that share the same lighting ways, watering steps, and soil requirements together. They should truly flourish once together. Ensure you have flowers growing throughout the whole year so you can have ravishing color in your garden, during the course of the whole year. Combining all different types of flowers, heights, and different colors gives your garden your personal touch.
Some flowers, such as Artemisia, zinnia, cosmos, and penstemon all do exceptionally well in flower beds that are exposed to the sun throughout the whole day. Others like pansies, snapdragons, and begonia all preform the best in more shady beds. The flowers that typically sway more to the shade tend to be a little crisper when it is exposed to too much sun.
Snowdrops, daffodils, and primrose all bring you an early spring color to your garden. Mid-summer flowers are typically tulips, violas, and snapdragons. Then in the late summer, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, and asters all bloom. Once you have the correct colors together, it can bring you to complete bliss. This is created from mixing pastels, with white flowers, with a burst of riot full colors. Contrast the height of your flowers from tiny little flowers, to giant flowers that set the background for springtime. Bring in shorter flowers, along with longer flowers. The more creative you are with your garden, the more happiness it will bring to you.  

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Book review: simple flowers

"Simple flowers" created by Paula James Merrell. Written in 1999 with hopes you will gain simple flower knowledge. In the form of a book to provide over 200 photographs to give you inspiration and to create ravishing flower arrangements and to draw you into the flower industry.
Wanting to gain basic knowledge with flower arranging or to simply look at the magnificent arrangements people have created.
Written in a non-fiction form showing you how to create single flowers arrangements, spring time flowers, along with summer, autumn, and winter style arrangements. The basic care and maintenance of flowers is also included, within the book.
"My love of flowers started as early as I can remember." This is increasingly relatable to me for several reasons. When I was in grammar school my aunt used to work at the Fortuna Florist. This truly fueled my passion for flowers. When I would go visit I would fall in love more and more with every sight of a flower. Flowers honestly bring me happiness.
However this book could make a few changes. For example, on page 121 the arrangement needs a new container. The in-correct proportioning makes the arrangement look like an amateur created it. The arrangement on page 121 gives me the feeling the designer doesn't know what she's trying to create. Where's the shape?
In conclusion, flower arranging is a highly applauded activity. If you're in search of basic floral knowledge or want to get involved with creating arrangements I highly suggest reading simple flowers. This book will help you increasingly. It will not only help you grow as a florist, but also as a person.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring garden flowers & vegetable gardens

Once spring finally comes around, it begins the time when nature is truly renewing and rejuvenating itself. With the fabulous weather spring brings upon us, the more time outside is made available to start enjoying the beautiful flowers and refreshing air. The spring time provides a whole new look for gardens. Some of the most popular spring flowers are the famous daffodil. Snowdrops come in before, and after the daffodils have grown and bloomed. Other popular spring time flowers are tulips. Which happen to be one of my absolute favorite flowers. Daffodils, snowdrops, and tulips are all in the lily family. However, if roses are more your thing, there are certain roses that bloom exceptionally well during spring. Marigold, old bush china, March marigold, and clematis are all spring roses. Timing is key to planting your garden. If you’re in search of a more diversified garden, then I highly suggest planting at different times.
This will provide your garden with a little character, and will more than likely out do your neighbors garden. Planting your flowers at different times provides a shear uniqueness to it. Depending on where you live, will change the times of blooming. Whereas spring vegetable gardens lack a sense of diversity. When planting a spring vegetable garden you must begin with starting your seeds indoors. Vegetable growing is a fast growing hobby, and can keep money in your pocket. I recommend gardening, if you haven’t already tried it.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Creative blog

Oh tulip,
how I love your beauty
so elegant and ravishing.
The way you sway in the wind
is unlike anything I've seen before
completely astonishing and alluring
tulip, you're beautiful.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Passion blog

Out of all the flowers that are in our universe, I have to say one of my favorites would have to be a carnation. A carnation is one of the most popular flowers to send or receive. They smell incredible delicious, and I completely adore them. These flowers are increasing delicate, but can withhold for quite some time. The scientific name is dianthus. Once you translate it, the meaning is "flower of love." This is possibly one of the worlds oldest flowers known to be.
These flowers also carry excessive blooming periods. They typically smell like clovers. carnations carry the meaning of fascination, distinction, and love. Red carnations are typically used to represent admiration. However the dark red carnations are used to represent deeper levels of love and affection. White carnations are associated with purity and luck. Pink carnations give the sign of gratitude. These flowers re immediately recognizable and make great arrangements. Carnations are simply beautiful.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Profilic & Terrific: Ranunculus

Magnificently colored, delicate, and very thin petals all describe Ranunculus.They are a very special flower. Ranunculus’s often are found to look like origami type creations with their delicate, multiple layered petals. These flowers grow extremely well in Southern and Western gardens. They're also ideal for containers. They're long lasting flowers after they've been cut. Bulbs for Ranunculus are made widely available mostly in the fall. These flowers last up to six weeks. The most common type of Ranunculus being Tecolote strain. This type of flowers comes in colors of gold, pastel mix, pink, red, rose, salmon, sunset orange, yellow, and white. The least common flower is Bloomingdale strain. This is typically shorter, around ten inches generally.
These come in colors of pale orange, pink, red, yellow, and white double flowers. These flowers do the best in climates where there are mild winters, followed by a long and cold spring. Ranunculus flowers are often found in states such as California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana. You should plant them near October to November, as they would flower in March. Depending on what you’re planting them in would decide when you should truly plant the bulbs.
For example, if you’re planting your bulbs indoors in a pot, you would want to plant during the month of February, to be transplanted later on. You should place them facing south of west facing a window, or under growing lights. Often gardeners create Ranunculus to be an annual. Meaning they come back and produce every year. Ranunculus’s are beautiful creations.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Flowering plants

 About 130 million years ago flowers came to be on this planet and started changing automatically.  “Swiftly diversifying in an explosion of varieties” says National Geographic. That established most of the flowering plant families of the modern world. “Flowering plants have come to rule the worlds of botany and agriculture” this is 100% relatable. The statement made is completely true and we’re supported by flowering plants. Botanists refer to flowering plants as angiosperms. 

Flowering plants give us the question what sorts of species can it be crossed with, and what sorts of pollinators are affective. This takes us to even more productive methods of agriculture. Results indicate that the oldest living lineage reaches back at least 130 million years in Amborellaceae a family that includes only one known species, Amborella trichopoda a South Pacific island. Very famous among botanists for its primeval-flora. The flower is the reproductive mechanism of an angiosperm. In the beginning flowers didn’t have petals. 

Petals began to evolve somewhere from around 90 and 100 million years ago. Around 70 and 100 million years ago, petals were very, very small. As the flowering plants began to produce petals it created what botanists consider “great radiation” which ignited that explosion. Petals created much more diversity. As time has gone on flowers evolved arresting colors, alluring fragrances and special petals that provide landing pads for their pollinators. Humans are attracted by sight, smell, and beauty which are all found within a single flower. Flowers are simply astonishing with every single aspect they carry.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Flowers are awesome,
wouldn't you agree with me,
how I love flowers.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Humor blog

What did the big flower say to the little flower?
Hey bud :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Interview with Kerry Johnson

Whitney: What's your name and how do you spell it?
Kerry: Kerry Johnson
Whitney: What first interested you in flowers?
Kerry: I have always liked flowers. I enjoy growing them because they look so pretty
Whitney: How'd you come to work at the Fortuna Florist?
Kerry: I worked at the Fortuna Florist because my sister-in-law owned the business. It was a  side job for me, I worked full time at Daly's department store.
Whitney: How long did you work there for?
Kerry: I worked at the florist for about six years.
Whitney: What were your duties there?
Kerry: My main duties were driving the delivery van to houses and decorating the Christmas trees during Christmas time.
Whitney: Why don't you work there anymore?
Kerry: My sister-in-law sold the business so I didn't want to work there for the new owners.
Whitney: What was your favorite part about working there?
Kerry: my favorite part of my job was seeing how happy the flowers made people when they received them.
Whitney: What's your favorite flower?
Kerry: My favorite flower is a rose or a lily.

Friday, February 7, 2014


This week on my blog, we have the lovely exception of having Amy Conley Samulson guest write about her flowers she grows. Everyday when I walk from the sidewalk to my front porch, I revel in watching the progress of my flowers. Since we moved here in 2007, my daughter and I have planted bulbs. Daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, ranunculus in the fall for the spring. Cannas, freesia, dahlia, daylilies, gladioulus in the late winter for summer.

Bulbs are a belief in a brighter future. A trust and hope for a beautiful tomorrow. Like planting a tender rock and then months later being rewarded for your foresight with new green buds out of the ground. Right now, my paperwhites stand regal on the front porch. The yellow daffodil buds closed tight are just starting to bend at the sepals. The tulips busted the soil with their blue-green torpedoes. The differences day-to-day warm my heart on that 3-second walk to my front door.

Tonight I'll plant the cannas, glads, and daylilies I couldn't resist at Costco. Summer will be another surprise, a beautiful return on my investment.

Bulbs are shaped like teardrops. Plant bulbs in the soil until their top tip is barely covered. Corms, like lilies, ranunculus, freesia, canna, are shaped like ginger, and should be planted laying flat with any tips up.

Water when planted, but no other special care is needed. When daylight and moisture tell the plant to bloom, it will do it's thing, giving a show. After it blooms, nothing needs to be done. The flower, then leaves will wither, and the bulb will rest until it blooms again next year. And the year after. Daffodil bulbs will rebloom up to five years, tulips three. Corms like iris, cannas, and daylilies will actually grow larger under the soil and actually need to be split every three to four years as the plants will double in size.

Bulbs gift the grower for years.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Interdisiplinary post

In floral design we've been learning how to create basic arrangements, boutonnieres, corsages, and all types of floral arrangements. We learn how to properly cut and trim the flower before proper placing it  in the arrangement. This relates to my topic because of the simple use with flowers. My topic of "flowers" covers all aspects covered in my floral design class. On Tuesday I learned how to perfect a boutonniere.
The relation between this and my topic is, when working with flowers you need to be able to correctly take care of and groom them. This includes removing of the thorns, if there are any. Removing all excess foliage and leafs, which causes them to look stunning. Proper maintenance will keep your flowers looking their best.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Keeping your flowers fresh & long lasting

 There are many useful tips and tricks in order to help keep your flowers fresh and lasting for as long as possible. To begin with, if you're harvesting flowers from your own garden you should begin in the early morning. This is so the stems can retain moisture. Keeping your flowers at a temperature between 40-50 degrees is ideal for most situations. After you have cut your flowers ensure to remove all leaves from the stem that would otherwise be emerged into water. Your stems need to be cut at an angle, and should also be done underwater so no air is able to seep into the stems veins. Changing your water everyday is most beneficial to the flowers in order to keep them at their freshest. Adding in bleach is another tip to help keep bacteria out and also keeps the water smelling fresh. Flowers that are exposed to direct sunlight or heat tend to wilt quicker.
However, if you're given a bouquet and need to take care of those flowers, the simple up keep is slightly different. The first thing you need to do is place them in the refrigerator for several hours. If you're unable to place them in your fridge, then skip that step and move directly to the preparatory steps which include removing the leaves and excess stems, along with cutting the flowers at an 45 degree angle. If you're cutting roses, this should be done underwater. After you prep them place them in a vase of cold water. Placing your flowers into warm water gives them the chance to dehydrate themselves and causes them to wilt up and die. The upkeep of your flowers should include cutting the stems every few days, and changing the water every day. Flower food which can be purchased at your florist helps keep your flowers alive, but you could also add sugar into your vase if you're unable to buy the flower food. The placement of your flowers can also have an affect on their lifespan. Keep your arrangement away from sunlight and fruit bowls. Fruit bowls produce ethylene gas which causes your flowers to wilt. Clearly, there are many tips and tricks to keep your floral arrangement lasting with the longest lifespan possible.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Flowers by scents

The wide variety of scents flowers can produce is enormous. Each flower has their very own scent and design to it. In nature, flowers often use their scents to attract birds for pollination. Flowers can also produce horrific scents in order to warn away bad insects from eating them. Floral scents are among the most popular smells people tend to enjoy. It's been proven that fragrances have certain affects on our emotions. Some of the most popular scents being aromatic, citrus, exotic, floral, and spicy.  Aromatic scents are often categorized as being herbal and the scent itself can promote good health and well being.
They can typically be found in bedrooms, in order to help get a good nights sleep. Flowers in the aromatic category are lavender, dill, eucalyptus, marjoram, grape hyacinth, and rosemary. Lavender is a relaxing scent and promotes good sleep. As rosemary is more of a kitchen herb, with a woodsy scent. Citrus scents are often bright and refreshing, and have the availability to rejuvenate and lift your mood.
The citrus scents are found in mimosa, wax flower, eucharis, and orange blossom. Exotic scents are among the "heavy" scents and are ideal for the bedroom. Gardenia, oriental lily, narcissus, stephanotis, and tuberose  are all under the category of exotic. The tuberose has an intoxicating scent of jasmine, with just a hint of coconut. Floral scents tend to have a light, and often sweet aroma. These scents are typically alluring and pleasing to humans.
 Among the floral scents flowers in this category are carnation, freesia. hyacinth, lilac, lily of the valley, and rose. Roses are the classical floral fragrance. Finally the last category of scents being spicy. With a spicy scent, these flowers are stronger scented with the plants having almost a peppery smell to them. Thus often creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Flowers among the spicy scent are chrysanthemum, florists' broom, hypericum, pink dianthus, and stock. All flowers produce some type of scent.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Choosing your flowers :)

When choosing your flowers for a flower garden, the list of characteristics can go on and on. Landscapers often look for size, shape, color, texture, and form that correspond with each other, and flow the best with each other. The color wheel is often the best advise you could gain when deciding which flowers will compliment each other to their most potential.
Popular flowers that are often chosen because of their colors are roses, sweet pea, camellia, stephanotis, narcissus, gardenia, orchid, lily of the valley, jasmine, and snow drop are all chosen for the purpose of being colored white. The color pink attracts the eye to roses, ranunculus, peony, sweet pea, carnation, tulip, protea, boronia, and lily.
The color lavender often comes in mostly to lavender, lilac, anemone, statice, iris, delphinium, and hydrangea. Yellow attracts daffodil, sunflower, tulip, and freesia. With the color red, it mostly applies to gerbera, rose, dahlia, poinsettia, and amaryllis. Picking out flowers can be a difficult decision, when you don't know what you're looking for.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Creative writing

Once upon a time in a land far far away, there lived a girl by the name of Rose. She was the daughter of the King Bluebonnet. She was next in line for the throne. All the townsmen wanted to marry Rose and become the next King. She was very particular though, and she wasn't going to marry just anybody. The townsmen always tried grabbing the attention of Rose, by serenading her and constantly giving her presents in order to win her over.
This went on for months, until Mr. Ginger came along and truly knew the way to Roses' heart. He brought her bouquets of her favorite flower which happened to be Petunia's. She loved them for their sweet light floral blend, with just a hint of green for a soft pleasing scent. Petunia's soothed her and ultimately brought her bliss .
 Finally, Mr. Ginger won Rose over! His endless bringing's of Petunia's finally got her to be his. On the wedding day she woke up and the room was covered in Petunia's. She was delighted. Their wedding was decorated in pure flowers. It was a beautiful wedding. Their lives went on and they created beautiful children, by the names of Poppy, Jasmine, and Azalea.

Passion blog

My passion for flowers first developed when I was in the third grade. This was when I first realized I was in love with flowers. My aunt was working at the Fortuna Florist which ultimately ignited my passion for flowers. I often frequented the shop just to see new designs. Flowers allow you to show passion, lust, love, thanks, soul, and they glisten with beauty. Flowers personally bring me joy.
A simple flowers arrangement can brighten anyone's day and can also make them feel warm and happy. Flowers demonstrate great beauty. Flowers come in all different shapes, colors, uniqueness, and they serve as many purposes. Every single flowers posses a different meaning. Flowers bring out my inner passion.
Flowers serve different purposes such as scented rosary beads, biscuits, and candies. The purposes moved gradually from utilitarian purposes in homeopathic medicine, perfumery, and cookery. One of the most important purposes being perfume. I simply love flowers.